My Mental Wellness
Time to Talk from Time to Change is a great reminder that this should be the norm not the exception. We should talk to our friends and family about our thoughts and feelings and our mental wellness. It doesn't matter where or when we talk. It can be a chat over a cup of tea or coffee with one person or in a room full of people who are there to talk. It doesn’t even have to be in the same room. It can be on the phone or Skype /facetime/Alexa (or however you video call). What Time to talk reminds me is that lots of people are still nervous to talk about their mental wellness. I'm deliberately using the term mental wellness because although we all have mental health when I use the words “mental health” people often hear “mental health issues”. Our mental wellness or lets even say mental fitness is something that changes as often as our physical fitness. I had a seven-year holiday ...